Brave Parents is a registered charity created to provide self care opportunities to parents who have children with complex medical needs*.

*’Complex medical needs’ refers to children who have been diagnosed by a medical professional, with an illness, disability or sensory impairment (sight and/or hearing impairment) that requires substantial daily support from a Parent Carer.

Brave Parents – Registered Charity No. 1204544

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Brave was created as a not for profit organisation in 2020 when Claire (founder) was struggling with her own mental health. Having received a third diagnosis for her already medically complex child, she suddenly realised the toll being a Parent Carer had (and still has), on her mental health and how important self care is through hard times. A huge part of keeping her daughter well, was to look after herself too.

Brave Parents became a registered charity in 2023.

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HERE FOR YOU We believe self care is essential for parents who have children with complex medical needs.

Mental Health

We realise that many Parent Carers forget to care for themselves in the hard times, working so hard to keep their child well that their own needs come second. 
One of the best things you can do for them is focus on your own mental health.

Brave Events

We regularly hold in person events for Parent Carers including retreats, mindfulness classes and local meets. These will be announced via our newsletter and on our social media platforms.

'...For You' Brave Boxes

Our free ‘… for you’ Brave boxes provide Parent Carers with some well needed ‘you’ time. They can be nominated to receive one by friends and family. Nominations will be announced via our newsletter and on social media.

Hospital Brave Boxes

Our ‘Hospital Brave Boxes’ include both essentials and treats for Parent Carers who are currently staying in hospital for a longer period of time.

These boxes will be sent directly to a hospital ward for the parent to open. To explain more about our Hospital Brave Boxes, please take a look at our FAQs

NOMINATION FORM For hospital stays that are less that 5 days, we would recommend waiting for our nominations to open for our free '...for you' Brave Boxes. Please be sure to read our FAQs for the Hospital Brave Boxes prior to nominating.

OUR DONATIONS We regularly make donations to different organisations.

BOSP Donation


BOSP (Brighter Opportunities for Special People) is a registered charity which offers support to families by providing shorts breaks for their children and young people with learning & physical disabilities aged 4 years onwards. BOSP offers regular clubs at evenings, weekends & school holidays providing fun & exciting activities with social opportunities.
Banana Moon Donation

Banana Moon

The staff at Banana Moon nominated 9 families who have a child with complex medical needs in their care.
The Deputy Nursery Manager spoke highly of the families, understanding the high care needs of the children & the importance of supporting the Parent Carers mental health. What a fantastic nursery to be thinking of the whole family.

Brave donated 9 Brave bags to Banana Moon.


Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children

We were contacted by the play specialists at Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children. They requested some Hospital Brave bags for Parents currently in the hospital. Some parents on this specific ward would have just received life changing news which would now result in their child having complex medical needs. We were more than happy to send these Brave bags and hope this small gesture will help a little in hard times



The SNAP Centre – based in Brentwood – offers a safe and nurturing environment for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years who have any additional need or disability, their siblings and their parents/carers.

We donate 5 Brave bags to SNAP charity every month for them to gift to Parent Carers who visit their centre.

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